New software that enables users to charge their EVs and power their homes

It was recently reported that a Canadian tech firm developed an intelligent home charger that enabled customers to charge their electric vehicles (EVs) and power their homes.

Indeed, dcbel has created r16, a software that uses electricity generated by solar collectors and allows users in the US and Canada to reduce their electricity bills by 25%. With this EV’s battery, customers can power their homes through solar collectors and benefit from backup power in case of blackouts.

The software was developed using artificial intelligence (AI) in order to perform real-time energy allocation in the home.

It was also reported that the company received a new investment of $7.5M USD from Silicon Valley Bank to commercialize the technology in the U.S. Thus, it is expected that the manufacturing of the tech will first take place in Québec, Canada before going to the U.S. and EU in 2022.

