Students should consider cyber security apprenticeships, says Crest

According to security testers Crest, cyber security apprenticeships are a good alternative to ‘clearing’ debts.

A security certification has been supporting public and private sector initiatives to increase the number of people entering the cyber security industry with a wide variety of entry points, skill levels and educational backgrounds, as well as other cyber security industries.

Crest president, Ian Glover, said to Computer Weekly: “A-level students who did not get the grades they needed, who are facing the anxiety of going through clearing, should look at Cyber Security Higher Apprenticeships.

“These apprenticeships are an alternative route to a good career for students who did not get their first or second university course choices without the burden of student loans.

“Initiatives like the government’s apprenticeship schemes open up a future in cyber security to a far wider and more diverse group of young people, combining real-world paid work experience with structured training to attract fresh talent.”

The study also revealed, similarly to KPMG’s survey, there is a failure to include women in cyber security recruitment campaigns, with the European cyber security industry having the lowest proportions of women.

Written by Leah Alger
