Singapore Changi Airport tests facial recognition systems

Changi airport in Singapore is testing a facial recognition system to help speed-up passengers through the airport’s services.

The airport is looking at how it can implement the facial recognition technology in three of its terminals at bag drops and immigration, as well as expand and improve its existing smart ID systems.

A photo of passengers will be taken when they drop their luggage off at unstaffed booths, which will then be matched with the picture on their passport.

Automated security gates

Another picture will then be taken to verify a passenger’s identity at the boarding gate for the automated security gates at immigration.

Reuters reported face recognition systems for passengers ID has raised privacy concerns. Despite this, Changi’s airport officials appear not to be worried.

Facial recognition systems seem to have a lot of perks, including helping to find passengers who have missed the last boarding call for the flight.

The facial recognition system is also expected to be up and running within the next 10 years.

Written by Leah Alger
