How will Quantum Computing Revolutionize Technology?

With the continuous rise of data, traditional computers have a hard time keeping up and they are reaching their data processing power limits. Hence, the use of quantum algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to boost machines’ learning abilities is becoming more and more essential. Having a viable quantum computer is necessary to process all the data generated in a single day and to solve increasingly complex problems.


What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is an area of computing focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels.

Traditional computers can only encode information in bits that take the value of 1 or 0, which restricts their ability. However, Quantum computing uses quantum bits or qubits, thus harnessing the unique ability of subatomic participles that allows them to exist in more than one state, for instance, a 1 and a 0 at the same time. Quantum computers are based on superposition and entanglement, two features of quantum physics, which empowers them to handle operations at higher speeds than traditional computers and at much lesser energy consumption.


How will Quantum Computing improve Technology?

One of the greatest advancements of Quantum Computing would be its ability to complete calculations way faster than traditional computers. Indeed, calculations that would take years to solve would only take a few seconds for Quantum computers. Once we manage to translate real-world problems into quantum language, these supercomputers will help process the increasing amount of data that is generated and solve complex problems.

Data is growing in complexity and size each passing day and with quantum computers, the problems IT teams are experiencing today will be solves in seconds. AI and Machine Learning (ML) are thus expected to benefit greatly from quantum computing technology and improve their abilities.

Moreover, Quantum Computing will also enhance the way IT teams sample the data and optimize various problems from portfolio analysis to the best delivery routes, as well as helping determine the best medical treatments for every person. The growth of big data now necessitates a quantum computing approach, which can handle new and different kinds of problems efficiently.

Quantum computing will be expected to have the ability to search large data sets and uncover patterns or defects in seconds. In the long term, these supercomputers will be able to achieve big breakthroughs in the analysis of data. However, to accomplish this, human intervention will be needed first to help the computer understand the relationship between the schemas attached to data sources. The systems will require training before they can take over in the future.



Although we still have a long way to go, it is then believed that Quantum Computers will allow for quick analysis and integration of large data sets, which will in turn improve ML and AI abilities and revolutionize technology for good.
