SwRI designs test tool suite for connected cars

SwRI has designed a comprehensive CV test tool suite which verifies conformance with SAE J2945/1, the Society of Automotive Engineers onboard system requirements for vehicle-to-vehicle safety communications.

SwRI has more than 10 years’ experience developing, deploying and testing connected vehicle technologies and standards.

The company’s tool suite aims to help connected vehicles improve on roadway safety and mobility by enabling wireless communications between vehicles and intelligent transportation systems.

The tools standard ensures interoperability and data integrity when devices communicate over wireless networks.

The SwRI Connected Vehicle Test Tool tests all vehicle-level J2945/1 requirements with data collection, data analysis, reporting software tools and all required hardware in a simple, portable package.

The tool also generates an easy-to-follow summary report with conformance status for each requirement tested, while also providing detailed testing artifacts, including plots, logs and raw data.

Written by Leah Alger
